Saturday 2 December 2017

The Silent Genocides of the World Today - I accuse all corrupt governments - The duties, the systems...

(In Norwegian for now. Please use Google Translate or other)

Norges stille folkemord idag, nå i 2017. Det kan med system vitenskapen med rette påstås at det skjer et folkemord til, akkurat nå, med alle de systemer som er virksomme i Norge i 2017 og etter år 2000, internett inkludert.

Norges ledere! Jeg anklager dere for folkemord i Norge for å være årsaken til at 9120 (570 x 16, fom. 2001 - tom. 2016) mennesker har dødd ved idiotisk lederskap. Dette er ikke alle heller. Man har diverse forsvinninger og "andre drap" å legge til også!

Hvis man legger historiene til folk som har tatt sitt liv til grunn og analyserer disse ved system vitenskap om barnevern, politi, lærere, alle helsetjenester osv. (også media selv, også distriktsmedia) så kommer vi til at disse menneskene har dødd som følge av korrupt lederskap typisk sett ved grådighet og ondskap som motivasjon.

Igjen, altså, Norges ledere, regjeringen Solberg, først og fremst, jeg anklager dere for folkemord i Norge idag, 01.12.2017.

For å si det med en film, Collateral (2004): "Vincent! Go f*ck yourself!" - Det må tas grep! Våre ledere må stilles til ansvar for der det burde være systemkunnskap på plass for å gjøre Verden/Norge stadig bedre. Det holder ikke lenger å si at "det sulter mennesker i Afrika!"

Til sammenligning kalles det folkemord når det dør 8000 mennesker i Srebrenica!

Om system på engelsk:

Selvmordene (tenk mellom år 2000 og 2017):

Registre fra politi, psykiatri, Advokatforeningen, Justisdepartementet, Helsedepartementet, Amnesty International ("som jo beskytter Menneskerettighetene"), kommuner, fastlegene, sykehusene og evnt. media. Dere skjønner sikkert tegninga!

19.01.12 19:55 her på VGD skrev jeg Rettssak mot staten for forfølgelse med selvmord.. -

Videre: det ble diskutert noe om søksmålene mot Justisdepartementet for en tid siden, MEN hvor er mediaomtalen, enn fra "vårt kjære NRK" og hvem er menneskene som har fremsatt disse søksmålene? Hvor er disse tallene å finne? Hvor blir innføringen av løgndetektorer (AVATAR) av? (For politi, domstoler og Spesialenheten for politisaker)

Hvor lenge skal man finne seg i disse j*vla hodeløse "eksperter og ledere" før det skjer noe? Har ingen noe ansvar som helst?

(For min egen del: her sitter jeg etter bidrag til Verden og Norge i 35 år og f*en ikke enda er det tatt grep! Der sitter de! Hva f*en GJØR de?)

Det sies at hvert selvmord, generelt, har 10 - 20 selvmordsforsøk foran seg. Hvor mange desperate rop om hjelp? Hvor mange kontakter til ulike hjelpetelefoner, advokater, lærere, skolehelsetjenester, kommunefolk, Advokatforeningen, Amnesty Norge, politiet, foresatte, slektninger, osv.? Hvor mange "offisielle" innleggelser/formelle kontakter med helsetjenester?

Som sagt, å ta livet sitt tror jeg grunner i de mest alvorlige forhold og kommer ikke ut av det blå, ut av tynne luften! Produsenter av overgrepsmateriale fra barn og andre og sodomistiske "turister" gjør ikke saken lettere. Sårbarheten er der for de det gjelder i lys av det harde livet ved kriminalitet, først og fremst.

Litt historie
Så jeg sitter der på lesesalen på Eilert S. VGS og har egentlig gitt opp å gjøre det bra på skolen avsluttende året, 1993/1994.

Så tar jeg frem SSBs årbok/årsrapport fra 1993 av hyllene og leser litt om selvmordsstatistikk. Der står det under 1988 nesten 100 flere selvmord enn for de andre årene.

Siden har det slått meg: "politikode" for 1 rettssystem, Nein via EN: nine, Heil Hitler via tallkode 88 (18 for Adolf Hitler, f.eks.)!

Men ikke sant: jeg har aldri rett! Jeg kan ingenting! Tydelig realitetsbrist som psykiatrien raskt er ute med! Ingen j*vla autoritet som helst i samfunnet! (Men på den skjulte siden, mye sugling over min person likevel...)

Det er riktig, jeg leser også samfunnskunnskap (SK3) dette året!

Dette er alvorlige anklager, men dette handler om over 9000 (ni tusen) menneskeliv gjennom den moderne tiden etter 2000.

Dette er for viktig til å la være! Jeg betrakter meg selv som svært pro-aktiv så det er riktig, jeg kommer ikke til å sitte stille og se på! Som jo er det riktige.
Når jeg skriver alle selvmord så vil jeg gjerne være sikker på at jeg treffer. Litt som å bruke en hagle på jakt. Husk at jeg nevner forsvinninger også ved Elys registeret (som nå "selvfølgelig" holdes skjult).

"Etterlysningsregisteret (Elys) føres av politiet og ble opprettet i 1988 for å erstatte Polititidendes funksjon når det gjaldt etterlysning av personer, biler og båter/båtmotorer. Det er ikke allmenn innsynsrett. Registeret er tilgjengelig for alle med politimyndighet."

Jeg skal selvfølgelig bygge ut min argumentasjon, gjennom mange år om det trengs! Når det er sagt så håper jeg med dette at (mange) flere kan komme med bidrag til min side av argumentasjonen og en del ved det å skrive offentlig er selvfølgelig å skape både diskusjon og veier til rettferdighet ved å ansvarliggjøre lederne i vårt samfunn. De kan altså ikke bare sitte der og begå pliktbrudd i jobben sin og tro at det ikke får konsekvenser. Igjen altså, over 9000+++ menneskeliv i den moderne tiden hvor jo trafikkdødsfall får høyeste prioritet ved systematisk arbeid! Du kan jo finne tallene for de selv! Så, er ikke de bevis for at systematisk tilnærming virker?!!! JA! (For svarte!) Så igjen: hva med selvmordene og en del av disse forsvinningene enn si "andre tilfeller her og der", ulykker eller hva enn?

Så denne spede begynnelse... Jeg har altså sett på dette over lengre tid "og kan være kjent for mine bidrag (i Verden?) her og der"! Uansett, det skal ikke stå på meg! Jeg skal gi alt jeg kan!

En "liten" ting til: før i tiden, ved SSB (Stat. Sentral Byrå), så førte man opp 5 åringer til å ha tatt selvmord. "Av diverse grunner så gjør man ikke det lenger." Tror du virkelig det var godteriet som manglet? Kanksje ikke eller NEI!!!

Det er ingen som sier at etnisitet må være et premiss for folkemord. Ingen som sjekket hvem armenerne var da ottomanerne drepte dem og ingen som sjekket hvem ukrainerne var da Sovjetunionen drepte dem. Å kalle dette for folkemord er absolutt på sin plass, folkerettslig/rettslig/juridisk/etisk/moralsk (og alle de andre ordene).

Så: min argumentasjon inngår i "Emancipation 2.0", et nytt nivå for frigjøringen av "mennesket" generalt, at man kan være hyggelig og samtidig føle seg trygg så og si. Derfor synes jeg det er stygt eller svært uønsket at man er uærlig/"uærlig" i diskusjonen her. Dette kan få svære ringvirkninger i Verden for dette absolutt gode formål. Kan jo ikke argumentere for at folk skal ha det forferdelig, ikke sant?

"Kom igjen, folkens! Vær litt med da! Nå gjør vi det! Vi bryter ned ondskap og forhindrer at folk "terroriseres" i sin lovlydighet (karakterdrap en masse?)!"

Man er gjerne ivrig når man legger krav på arbeidsutførelse til vanlige folk i fabrikkene eller andre steder som helst. Nå er det på tide å sette de samme krav til jobbutførelse til disse viktige menneskene som jo gjerne skryter av ansvaret sitt når de sosialiserer! "Jeg er statsminister, jeg!" Titler skal det være og veldig fine også.

Selvfølgelig, Stalin (Russland/Sovjetunionen) og Mao (Kina) er jo beryktet for å drepe eget folk. Absolutt. Jeg er overbevist. Våre ledere må stilles til ansvar!

Gitt at det er ganske rutine å anonymisere selvmordsrapportene og forsåvidt å kategorisere disse, hvorfor kan vi ikke i grove trekk få vite hva som gjør at folk tar livet sitt? Hvor mange av dem har kontaktet politiet, Amnesty International Norge osv. osv.? Og her har man selvmordsforskere og psykiatere og psykologer gjennom år ut og år inn, tiår, og f*en ikke om de kan gi noen stødig rapport om disse menneskene (9120 døde). Hva skal det bety? Hvorfor er de så elendige om å ta opp omstendighetene for disse menneskene?

For ordens skyld: denne diskusjonen dreier som om hvorvidt Regjeringen Solberg kan dømmes for Folkemord på gruppen av mennesker gitt ved selvmordene, (en del av) forsvinningene og "noen andre dødsfall" etter år 2000! Jeg påstår altså at denne gruppen har blitt latt i stikken og at rapportene fra vårt samfunn om disse dødsfallene viser grov forsømmelse "i tjenesten/embetet" slik at tiltale for folkemord er på sin plass. Bevis vil bli bygget på grunnlag av system-kapasitet/system-muligheter/system-betraktninger i vitenskapen rettsvitenskap, medisinsk vitenskap osv.

Slik som jeg ser det, også ved meg selv gjennom 35 år "uten post, epost og telefoner" ("kinesisk fengsel/husarrest (detention)") så har Regjeringen begått mened! (Litt synd at dette skjer med en borgerlig regjering, men slik er det. De burde vite at jeg har vært og er en betydningsfull person. De kan ikke tilgis.)

Som det skrives over, så tenker jeg å bygge saken opp på grunnlag av suksessen med å bekjempe trafikkdødsfall systematisk. Gjerne når det skjer en dødsulykke i trafikken så blir Biltilsynet koblet inn for å gjøre en grundig rapport og de blir gjort ansvarlige for dette.

Men hva er etterretteligheten i saker som gjelder selvmord og forsvinninger? Jeg ser ikke noe spesielt for de i det hele tatt. De bare "forsvinner", liksom, kanskje også fordi de blir sett på som tapere i samfunnet hvor jo helst kriminelle skal bli tatt vare på: ikke for lange fengselsstraffer og Wayback til jobb og leilighet igjen. De kriminelle mister jo ikke livet, de blir ikke invalidisert, de er "bare hodeløse", de. Så våre ledere/politikere må bli stilt til ansvar for at det ikke foreligger en systematisk bekjempelse av selvmord og for at ikke noe ansvarlig "Biltilsyn" blir koblet inn når selvmord eller "stygge" forsvinninger skjer!

Siden den norske definisjonen av korrupsjon er så snever og på en måte så "skeiv" fordi "vi har ikke mottatt penger, de har jo begått selvmord og da har de jo lite, vi er jo politikere"!

Så til Verdensspråket engelsk som jo gjerne er litt bedre:




noun: corruption; plural noun: corruptions


dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

"the journalist who wants to expose corruption in high places"

synonyms:dishonesty, dishonest dealings, unscrupulousness, deceit, deception, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud, fraudulence, misconduct, lawbreaking, crime, criminality, delinquency, wrongdoing, villainy; More


the action or effect of making someone or something morally depraved.

"the corruption of youth was a powerful motif"

synonyms:sin, sinfulness, ungodliness, unrighteousness, profanity, impiety, impurity; More

antonyms:morality, purity


the process by which a word or expression is changed from its original state to one regarded as erroneous or debased.

"a record of a word's corruption"

synonyms: alteration, falsification, doctoring, manipulation, manipulating, fudging, adulteration, debasement, degradation, abuse, subversion, misrepresentation, misapplication; rarevitiation

"these figures have been subject to corruption"

the process by which a computer database or program becomes debased by alteration or the introduction of errors.

"this procedure creates a temporary file to prevent accidental corruption"

og 2 andre linker:

For "corrupt mind", se denne linken: + mind

Jeg har også undersøkt "ødelagte sinn" på andre måter:

Mask of Sanity:

Jeg har også tenkt på "Dr. Mengele Club" som ide til film over "utdannede mennesker med medisinsk kompetanse" som driver og torturerer og dreper alle slags mennesker, også barn.

Dr. Mengele er en historisk person fra Nazi-Tyskland:

Videre: Selvmord deles opp i 2 grupper: 1. de som er på slutten av livet enten ved alderdom eller dødelig sykdom og ønsker å dø en verdig død og 2. de som under kriminelle forhold (overgrep, incest, vold, tortur, mobbing osv.) lever for vanskelige liv slik at de søker å avslutte sitt eget liv.

Den 1. gruppen er grei. Den er ikke et problem, ikke etisk/moralsk ihvertfall.

Det er den 2. gruppen jeg ser på spesielt og hvor man har kontaktet ulike mennesker mange ganger for å få hjelp til å få slutt på forhold som man i forhold til loven er garantert hjelp, dvs. ved Menneskerettighetsloven, straffeloven osv.

Som det står over: "Det sies at hvert selvmord, generelt, har 10 - 20 selvmordsforsøk foran seg. Hvor mange desperate rop om hjelp? Hvor mange kontakter til ulike hjelpetelefoner, advokater, lærere, skolehelsetjenester, kommunefolk, Advokatforeningen, Amnesty Norge, politiet, foresatte, slektninger, osv.? Hvor mange "offisielle" innleggelser/formelle kontakter med helsetjenester?"

"Som sagt, å ta livet sitt tror jeg grunner i de mest alvorlige forhold og kommer ikke ut av det blå, ut av tynne luften! Produsenter av overgrepsmateriale fra barn og andre og sodomistiske "turister" gjør ikke saken lettere. Sårbarheten er der for de det gjelder i lys av det harde livet ved kriminalitet, først og fremst."

Da er oppgaven ved systematisk kamp mot selvmord og ("noen") forsvinninger og noen andre drap at man sørger for en strammere disiplin mot de tjenester hvor oppgaven er nettopp å hjelpe disse sårbare menneskene som står i fare for å ta selvmord. Jeg ser jo at dette fort blir en kamp mot en type korrupsjon (se engelsk definisjon) i tjenesten, men ærlig talt, noen må vite at disse menneskene tar livet sitt hvis de allerede har prøvd å ta livet sitt 10 - 20 ganger og vært i kontakt med ulike mennesker 50 ganger, mer eller mindre, og fremdeles ikke får hjelp med støtte i Norges lover å få slutt på de forhold som leder til deres selvmordssituasjon.

Eksempel: La oss ta et "feil" eksempel: en pasient har opplevd mye kriminalitet og får ikke hjelp av politiet, men blir puttet inn i psykiatri gjentatte ganger for selvmordstanker, depresjon og angst. Denne personen har kontaktet ulike mennesker mange ganger for å få rettslig hjelp ift. politi, kommune, skole, overgripere osv. slik at lidelsene slutter. Dette skjer ikke og personen tar livet sitt. I dette eksempelet skjer det heller ingen etterkontroll fra myndigheters side eller evnt. tilsyn som et slags "Selvmordstilsyn" liksom Biltilsynet gjør etterkontroll ved trafikkulykker og spesielt trafikkdødsfall.

Dette "Selvmordstilsynet" kan man tenke seg har myndighet til å gå inn i hvert eneste tilfelle og ta ut tiltale for korrupsjon/brudd på tjenesteplikten i jobben der hvor man ikke har brydd seg med å gi mennesker i en selvmordssituasjon tilstrekkelig hjelp. Idag er det jo sånn at selvmordstallene bare rapporteres og det er det. Man får egentlig ikke noen systematisk arbeid mot selvmord av flere grunner. Slik som at selvmordskandidatene har levd under korrupsjon/brudd på tjenesteplikten i jobben i lengre eller kortere tid. Hvis noen har tatt kontakt ulike steder 50 ganger så vil "Selvmordstilsynet" kunne gå inn og sjekke disse ulike stedene og alle 50 ganger kontakten har funnet sted.

På denne måten kan man forbedre rettssystemet flere nivå oppover og få til bedre rapportering til samfunnet forøvrig når og hvorfor et selvmord har funnet sted.

Dermed slipper man å tenke på at eneste mulighet er "å låse selvmordskandidatene inne" for å hindre selvmord.

Bare så det er sagt. Disse forhold skal jeg forfølge "helt hjem"! ("The hunt is on!")


A song for our march toward a better World:

Smells Like Teen Spirit

Load up on guns
Bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's overboard, self assured
Oh no I know, a dirty word
Hello, hello, hello, how low [x3]
Hello, hello, hello
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an Albino
A mosquito, my libido, yeah
Hey, yay
I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift, I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end
Hello, hello, hello, how low [x3]
Hello, hello, hello
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an Albino
A mosquito, my libido, yeah
Hey, yay
And I forget just why I taste
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it was hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind
Hello, hello, hello, how low [x3]
Hello, hello, hello
With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto, an Albino
A mosquito, my libido
A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial
A denial, A denial, A denial, A denial

Youtube, the video: - Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Being religious or being "wart"-religious - The choice is simple

Lately and with greater insight over a long period of time, the choice seems simple - being religious or being or becoming "wart"-religious. By "wart"-religious, I mean what happens when one (consistently) becomes immoral as a human being, one shoots off the humanity in one's self.

I agree that it is difficult to be religious at times as one is still exposed to bad people or even unscrupulous people.

As we Christians should know, the choice is between God and Heaven and Satan and Hell. However, it is unclear what qualifies to this in exact terms. Is it "so much sins" or "so much sins"? But what you can notice is that these bad people like to develop warts/papilloma both on the skin and inside the body, also in the brain. (See description of cancer like warts/papillomas.) They shed their humanity through and through by bad/vicious actions against others, preferably against good people (mostly religious). I think, therefore, that these people are "labeled" with warts/papillomas because the nervous system that also includes the brain is in its best state when the human is good and moral, also most intelligent. I.e., that I think the future will show that immoral people are those who have a bad nervous system full of warts/papilloma and that these warts/papillomas become a religion for them. They are doomed to cultivate their warts/papilloma as religion and that this is a spiral stair to Hell and a final state without humanity. They become monsters and enemies of humanity/the good people.

Again, I encourage you, the choice is easy! There is a choice between religion (eg. our/common Christianity or other "whitelist"-religion) or "wart"-religion and monsters in humanity.

You may want to search online for "wart(s)", "papilloma", "devil's mark" or "devil's taint." I have also written something about "wart(s)".

(Originally published in Norwegian at "" titled "Valget er enkelt - Å være religiøs eller å være "vorte"-religiøs", Oct 6, 2017.)

I'm saying that bad people are more likely to develop physical, literal warts (black/brown/red/white) in connection with their nervous system. You should know there are several types of warts, some of which are harmless.

It seems to me that all of the nervous system is affected by morality with a starting point where full health/full morality is the body without these "taints", triggers to the nervous system. So it can represent a new turn for religious people to stay away from a warty life and that these morally depraved people become these people with a wart/warts in the center of their lives. Only a claim for now, though.

Given all other strange efforts in 2017 and that no person is persecuted on grounds of warts, I don't see why people shouldn't have the information to be able to pursue investigation to what mentality these warts entail.

If it turns out to be true that cancer/warts are caused by (very) immoral thoughts/actions shouldn't the public know about it? Isn't it unscientific to shove such things under the rug on grounds of "politeness"?

I feel it's unfair to compare this effort to some (idiot/superstitious) instance of 1727 CE.

It's even more unfair if it turns out that people's mentality actually turns out to revolve around these things, the "warts", something we can use fMRI/MRI/plain sight to investigate in 2017.

To be clear then, this is not the suggestion for some kind of 21st century inquisition!

It has been my words, before the science, that have allowed us to smell the atmosphere of Mars without a person even setting foot there involving the sending of neurologically "compatible" signals straight from the planet's surface and then use a device to apply these signals to for example the skin of your nose-bone, no neural implants necessary.

You seem to demand that "I run before I can walk" and want to deny me the discussion of (possibly important) ideas. You make the unscientific claim that warts, the ones I discuss, the cancerous ones, arise from mere infection. This is not true. They are connected to the nervous system for reasons I'd like to investigate.

I see that Wikipedia is describing cancer apart from warts so if I just like to say that when I write "warts" I mean the "stuff" that has connections to the nervous system and that trigger (immoral) thoughts or dark feelings in the brain when they are touched, also by the mere contact of blood.
For now:

Not in plain science yet, immoral people can be revealed by bio-electrical-value-readers straight from the skin although the results can be manipulated by use of cocaine (other as well?).

I find it important to make religious people more stalwart and faithful in their beliefs and in making the young people and Agnostics find religion attractive, also in intellectual respects.

There is an important difference in making mere science reports and submitting interesting ideas that may have positive impact in the World. Political correctness isn't a virtue and it's not a virtue either to write allegedly popular science that do not draw criticism.

I believe in my ideas until they may/might be disproven and to discuss them above the corruption in the World.

I write this (and the above) in full sincerity and that I am my brother's keeper!

Let's see who gets proven right!

Note: Ideas do come before the scientific evidence and it's part of science to make a scientific "program" (Imre Lakatos) in competition with other ideas to see who finally provides scientific description of worth.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Cancer and I-relation - A new angle to Dualism - Relaunching

I've been having these "wild" thoughts as philosophical speculation. Whether cancer in a person and the corresponding view on oneself as "I" can relate to Dualism.

Now this may seem out of the ordinary and I'm trying to tie it together in this fashion: if one has cancer, does this cancer relate to one's own view of the "I"?

Let's say a confirming investigation could give something like this: one has cancer (always the case, only the ones who get questions) and then maybe answers such that "I" is of lesser importance or neglible.

So, "hopefully", one can find a correlation in cases of cancer (physical expression) and rather negative self-views on one's own "I" (the immaterial expression)! At least, this is what the investigation "aims" for, in that cancer can be seen as expression of a kind of negative impact on the (central) nervous system and therefore a negative impact on the self, the "I" correspondingly. Thus yielding insights to a dualistic view.

Sure thing, mind doesn't get cancer, thankfully, but it could be exciting to find a parallel expression in the mind if one exists. Maybe we are getting close to it above. No?

Far out? Long shot? What say you?

Cancer-Preventive Measures - Cancer as Psychiatric Idea - Reiteration

The simple sentences describes this:

If the checksum is right, it's OK, it's a healthy cell. If the checksum isn't right, then annihilate.

The checksum is the controlled amount of electricity that ripples through your nerve lines and that goes between two or more nerve ends. It has been proved that any cell can conduct electricity. A study that was followed through because of the likelihood that it would benefit the research of therapeutic genetic engineering.

Based on the nerve sensations the body takes out everything that has been defined and verified as a not OK checksum. As known, cancer arises from uncontrolled cell development making it a not OK checksum.

The conclusion: Be conscious of your feelings. They're what is used for a readily available body assessment. The thesis is this: If you hold a good consciousness and sensitivity with a nice disciplinary touch to your body, cancer will never be a problem, because your mind will hold your cells in check.

It's my view that the feelings/nerve signals/neurology are helping/controlling the body and more or less telling the body where to attack and where to hold off. This is part of the theory that feelings are just an addition to the largely rational system of being a body, that is rational according to function!

I think one has devoted very little research on the issue of how the nerve signals work in the body and that I think there may be a "gold mine" there to be discovered in how nerve signals relate to the body, to the genes, to the immune system, to the whole...

This, first and foremost, preventive recommendation of mentality can also contribute to the explanation of benign cancers, that there's a mechanism in the body that sets the brakes on or limits the nature of the actual benign cancer in one way or another.

One should remember that the mode of one's relationship with one's own feelings/nerve signals/neurology are a quite big issue/factor in the actual person's and as such, I think this factor (feelings/nerve signals/neurology) may be decisive above rather minor factors such as diet.

This is not part of what can be described as "the tyranny of positive thinking". My theory doesn't necessarily contain such an element. I'd rather say that your mood should reflect realities!

The Cancer Registry shows a difference of about 60 points in the scope of 344,3 versus 283,8 in favour of women across cancer diagnoses. I take this to support my theory as women are known to care more about their feelings and despite they also make up the greater part of the older population. Older people are generally more susceptible to cancer than the younger counterparts. Is this due to decline of the neurological system or the efforts of maintaining the body in the face of aging? It may also be that when you grow old, the brain makes more mistakes and send these mistakes into the body as nerve signals. It can also be that the brain fails, because of this old age, deterioration of brain, to detect the wrong signals from the body and sending corrective signals back.

These are the latest numbers, 2003-2007 from the Cancer Registry of Norway, link for men and women. The link has been accessed 20. November, 2009.

My theory of women actually having a different relationship to their bodies in terms of feelings, making women avoid cancer in greater degrees than men, when indeed I think that most other factors are more or less the same. One should note that risky behaviour can indicate, also, such an inferior relationship to one's own feelings already in young age, ie. heavy drinking among young men.

Besides, modern women and men have almost the same patterns when it comes to "smoke, drink and work". Haven't you heard about "double-working" women? Also, the smoking has come down heavily before 2001 as this set (to which the link points) is from 2001 to 2007. You should also note that cancer strikes, predominantly, the older scope of the population so the fact of heavy drinking young men doesn't have any (particular) impact. I agree to "avoiding carcinogenic substances is the (best/[a significant advise]) you can achieve in the avoidance of cancer" [by chaz wyman]. This is not about the mental concept of "emotions", it's about neurologic signals, "feelings", in your body before cancer occurs! Thus, this writing is not about some kind of "magic" cure. No, it's about "Cancer-Prevention Measures"! So, what I try to point out, is the relation a person has to one's own feelings (in the body) and not some mental size of sensing sadness and so on. The claim is, simply, that when people care for a "natural" relationship to their feelings, they can in great parts avoid cancer. To internalise a "mechanistic body image"/"reject natural body feelings" can therefore lead to cancer/increased probability for cancer in my opinion! This should come in addition to other good advice such as a healthy diet, physical exercise and the avoidance of carcinogenic substances!

I agree to some extent with your [bytesplicer] emphasis on stress, even including possibly that hazardous environment also puts stress on your body ie. being subject to carcinogenics puts a load on the body to get rid of it, lowering the "energies"/electricity to sustain the feelings that support your immune system and against abnormalities by cell life (cell division, cell breathing, cell workings).

So, I'm looking for the best range of feelings, not being below a certain value and not, possibly, being too high either.

(I've been thinking that my writing is on a stage where the next step is to actually enter the field and develop techniques like making a measuring device that measures the electricity between the fingers with a person who is typically resting and calm (for steady signals) and so on (making a data bank on these data gathered from "high and low" in society.)

Concerning protests to my theory on the basis of the cases of cancer in kids, i.e., below 18 yo., I write this:
in the case of cancer in kids I think one should move the search to epigenetics from the parents and combine this with the conditions (incl. epigenetics) of the children.

The children are also mostly struck with leukemia of what I understand.

Children are also (only) one percent or less of the total of cancer-struck patients whether malignant or benign...

As a remark. There's something more also: There are the perspectives of idealism into biological manifest as a form of evolution or forming a frame for evolution.

For faster diagnostication of cancer in the body here and there, one may use radiology by photon emitter and -detector set at special frequency and by "signature", of course, as usual (also in for example quality control of food in food industry or restaurants).

To live life according to principles of life (ref: Hinduism, Veda?), the health and the Objective Ethics that I may add my own neuro-value (from between the fingertips or more technically, with the needle and meter attached). This level is presupposed to stay on top of the own awareness of neurology/feelings and that this too represents at the very end as theory for countering the cancers of all types.

The idea from the original writing is of course to create a debate that may kill various stupid ideas in society, such as the blatant suppression of others and further push for better medical practices and better health campaigns much like fitness campaigns for avoiding artery-diseases. In addition, of course, that people are made able to record privately or by doctor, their neuro-values with a very simple device.

As such, by summary, we have then these three levels:
1. The life according to life principles, to health and more.
2. The Healthy Neuro-Values, the awareness of own neurology, of own feelings.
3. The dangerous values and, possibly, a person's growing ignorance to life and cancer alike.

I suspect it's even common now to measure these cancer-relevant values in USA! So, go ahead and try to be stupid about it, you other people...!

Also, the neuro-values are NOT supposed to reflect stress, they are supposed to reflect a person in "neutral state", relaxed and "ordinary".

Perhaps we are looking for a kind of "core"-spectrum value. I think so as I lack the finishing opportunities for getting the data-set together, clinically, science-worth speaking...

There can't be a cure for cancer because a cure necessarily relies on the neural/electrical signals of the body and they are in the cases of cancer WRONG in the first place. The thing to hope for, though, is for cancer to turn benign... But the wrong signals, the wrong signals... writes "Cell growth and division is such an important process that it is under tight control with many checks and balances. But even so, cell communication can break down. The result is uncontrolled cell growth, often leading to cancer. Cancer can occur in many ways, but it always requires multiple signaling breakdowns. Often, cancer begins when a cell gains the ability to grow and divide even in the absence of a signal. Ordinarily this unregulated growth triggers a signal for self-destruction. But when the cell also loses the ability to respond to death signals, it divides out of control, forming a tumor. Later cell communication events cause blood vessels to grow into the tumor, enabling it to grow larger. Additional signals allow the cancer to spread to other parts of the body."

So the case with an imagined cancer in the arm (maybe not the usual, but let's imagine), I happen to think that one has, in one's mind, severely abused the arm of a person to such an extent that in one's own mind this arm has become "neurologically marked" by symptoms of cancer (warts) in the arm and a repugnance in the mind where the arm is no longer considered as a good part of the body, but still used! Thus, there is actually a kind of correspondence in both the mind and the physical part that's the arm. This is a hypothesis for investigation.

The case is clear! The body-electric value/bio-value of people with cancer is lower than in people of a sound mind/very reliable people! Yet society fails to publish such studies that may enable people to take a course of intelligence/wisdom, living the good life! Thus, feelings are moral after all?

Given the special mindset of people with cancer, there should be rich possibilities with getting confirmations by "swimhat"-fMRI!

Thus we have: moral people in the best sense will never become affected by cancer! On the other side: the immoral will generally become affected, it becomes their "religion"! To psychology and psychiatry!

The study for the initial 1000 people, laying down an examination schema, can be reliably completed in 1-2 years! Given the troubles of the World, the case should be completed and crystal clear in 10-20 years time. Which is to say that the investigation is well-defined and certainly not pseudo-scientific.

Let's imagine a different case of cancer/warts: what if one case of cancer arises on the penis of a man because he has used it to suffocate women and children numerous times, perhaps reviving them multiple times. Let's also say he has in some way taken part in torture by using his penis pervertly. Let's say further his penis falls off by the consequences of the cancer/warts.

Now, shouldn't the public know how this cancer arises, these warts arise by this case? I mean, if there is a clear causal relationship between disgusting acts of immorality and cancer/warts then my opinion is that the public/the World has a definite right TO KNOW THIS!

"Concerning protests to my theory on the basis of the cases of cancer in kids, i.e., below 18 yo., I write this:
in the case of cancer in kids I think one should move the search to epigenetics from the parents and combine this with the conditions (incl. epigenetics) of the children."

So, we have the (emotional) moral leadership from parents to children and the feelings-exchange from a parent to the child may mean A LOT to the child. Again, there's not much said in this regard (research/science).

So I conclude with that children with cancer are in one way or another "emotionally abused" toward having their feelings the wrong way. They may learn to behave "mechanically", disregard their own feelings and so on. Some (few?) may even have been abused/tortured by "specialists" and become affected by cancer/warts (even "warts" in the blood) "over night" as one way to survival/ending the abuse/torture against them, but I have no estimate for this. Cancer in children is already rare.

Either way, children with cancer can or should be examined with "swimhat"-fMRI and given input-response checks by a given set of pictures, but this is "limited"/given by the intelligence of the examiner. For instance, one picture may hold various instances of cancer directly as one suggestion, to check what "signals" or "firings" take place in the child. No matter what, whether signals for pains or other, the child's brain is _modular_! And this can prove very useful for the examination of the child.

One step further? Toward the end of the schematics (for my Nobel Prize, thiii-hiii-hii)? In every respect, I hope the research community takes this to heart, whether in Chile, South Africa, Pakistan or India (or "the Western World") as ordinary cancer research has had at least 50 years already! ("Shame on you!")

To this investigation, under Personality Psychology:
To identify factors of common traits of psychology that generates cancer in the body.
It is my theory that a lack of moral psychology has such bearing on the nervous system that the body looses control and that cancer results, also depending on the corresponding signature in the mentality of the given person.

device for identifying bio-electrical value, a "stick", generates mA outcome from the nerves, I think, almost like a USB-stick in size
qualitative interviews, revolving around morality, feelings, harmony of mentality to the body

Cancer: By my perspective on cancer, the World has a chance to become cancerfree in some 200 yrs because of the heavy work with culture, thereof, given that 200 years may be seen as a long time (to wait).

To this investigation, under Personality Psychology:
To identify factors of common traits of psychology that generates cancer in the body.
It is my theory that a lack of moral psychology has such bearing on the nervous system that the body loses control and that cancer results, also depending on the corresponding signature in the mentality of the given person. Loses in the sense that body control is lost due to the lack of moral psychology,  Kantianistic type, no insincerity or play with moral ideas such as Utilitarianism allowed.

device for identifying bio-electrical value, a "stick", generates mA outcome from the nerves, I think, almost like a USB-stick in size.

Some key words: qualitative interviews, revolving around morality, feelings, harmony of mentality to the body.

As a consequence from the above, there's a good chance that cancer can be fought with schizophrenia medicine (and ECT, I suppose) in helping cancer patients to live longer.

The short story is thus:
Immoral mentality implies schizophrenia and cancer where cancer is symptom of schizophrenia.

On Cancer and Sexology:
What is the sexology of cancer patients above 25 years of age?
One guess (loosely): homosexual tendencies high, plus exotic tendencies as well, BDSM, sodomy and the rest... Thus, "category"-schizophrenia, especially the "deep"-schizophrenia patients, and cancer patients align by this aspect too!

Optimal treatment for all cancers may be this "despite doing nothing more than halting cancer and not preventing cancer":
"Full treatment" of cancer:
* Injected opiates/subutex/"clean" heroin, at suitable locations/hospitals/clinics/special homes for sleep?
* Electro-convulsion therapy (ECT, that is generally enjoyed by these patients)
* One special type of cancer drug removing (some) "warty/papilloma"-stuff (from Australia?). Nivolumab (Opdivo)? The cancer drug in question destroys cancer cells chemically, though I can't remember the mechanisms.
* The usual schizophrenics drugs, 3 strengths according to ECT effects wearing off, starting with the weakest of course.

In addition to the anti-cancer treatment, surgery etc., prescribed by the physicians/oncologists.

Actually, the treatment of cancer and schizophrenia may have much in common, unknown if this is exactly 100% given that schizophrenia may not have developed that much cancer/cancerous stuff that requires surgery of various kinds, radiological surgery, scalpel surgery, the rest...

Please note!
By "The Full Treatment" of Schizophrenia program you can halt the ailments of a lot, diseases, degeneration of immune system, stopping (early) symptoms of ALS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Cancer (all types), HIV/AIDS, etc. In general, you halt or nullify some or all proneness to all negative effects by schizophrenia.

You may also halt or nullify some or all increasing need for more drugs. So the treatment of schizophrenia may be the key to successful treatment of drug addicts, ALL of them!

* The connection to ALS may be questioned. Research yet to confirm.
* Some of this, the above, may require more research for (final) confirmation.

By this note, I say that schizophrenia is a key illness in making patients prone to all ailments in the broadest sense, be they cancer, weakened immune system, all sorts of bacteria and viruses, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS and the rest. The ailments, all of them! Science in hand, the best!

See also The Good People List and, if you will, The Bad People List! "The future is still looking very bright!"

One note on (all) cancer research.
It may well amount to disinformation of the public if one continues to ignore "the possible fact" of "category"-schizophrenia connected to all types of cancer. If the public is not given the information that there may well be a connection between ("category"-)schizophrenia and all types of cancer then this may be a type of disinformation to the public. There are the metabolism readings and there are the treatments by schizophrenia medication and ECT for these cancer patients to quickly determine the connection! The duties...


22.02.2003, 20.11.2009, 04.02.2010, 05.02.2010, 07.02.2010, 28.10.2010 and 20.02.2011

Terje Lea©2003, ©2009, ©2010, ©2011
Note: a comment concerning cancer in children has been added today, 20.02.2011, but written to the Philosophy Now forum 18.02.2011.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Idea for Film: The Telepaths and Reincarnators - A kind of near/immediate Sci-Fi...

Idea for film: The Telepaths and Reincarnators fighting crime and cooperating from afar, across the planet Earth. That the heros and heroines can use telepathy as communication and being able to destroy themselves and reincarnate somewhere conveniently close to an action scene or another. A kind of (near/immediate) Sci-Fi! Wearing special "Agent" clothing or something else...


Another idea: Cult of the Wart!
Special members of a cult in for example New York (or somewhere else, fittingly) are living special lives according to the Code of Wart. Warts in this culture, be they "expensive" or "cheap", yields a kind of genealogy and remains the religion for them in a strict hierarchical group. They do crime and take pleasure in the most sodomistic ways. The filthy ways make their lives, in all social interaction and certainly mentally! "Coming to a screen near you!" Genre: Thriller/horror.

Friday 14 July 2017

One Idea for (Generic/Worldwide) Zero Unemployment - "Common Company"/"Intellectual Property Company"

One idea for (generic/Worldwide) zero unemployment:

You make a company "Common Company"/"Intellectual Property Shop" that hires/is required by law to hire all unemployed people and other people who want to work with the company. Then you set up various "factories/mechanical shops/workshops" or whatever, in addition to buying software licenses in order to enable these people.

So the rules of this "Common Company"/"Intellectual Property Shop" are very relaxed down to the point that people do not need to do ANYTHING for working there. They are just hired!

But my suspicion (by good knowledge of people's psychology and happiness) is that people want to work and that people like to make a name for themselves. Indeed, work (or the opportunity to work) makes people HAPPY!

Bottom line:"I have so many ideas and based on local production and Quantitative Easing I can hire the entire World of unemployed people!"
So I hereby (virtually) hire the whole World of people who are unemployed!

To this comes the Social Programs for families and others and "corporate" lawyers hired for services to the people of "Common Company..." with the heavyweight of all these employees to solve all sorts of problems they may have! :-)
This is in line with 100 % Society:

To say it with President Donald Trump, "I'm going to make the World so great that it has never been before!"

To this comes the Social Programs for families and others and "corporate" lawyers hired for services to the people of "Common Company..." with the heavyweight of all these employees to solve all sorts of problems they may have!

1 Mn people service the same 1 Mn people, including oneself. Then 1 Mn services if individual services by administration of robots. Then this means 1 Mn $ income by 1 $ for each person served, affording 1 Mn products and services including the service to oneself.
Proof: Everyone can become dollar-millionaires on Earth and at the same time affording many products and services if not exactly 1 Mn services and products, i.e., living the life of a dollar-millionaire!

The future looks really BRIGHT!

(More to come!)

Extended Death in Dignity - Human Rights Improved, Suicides Prevented - The Ethics...

Now there is no doubt that "the right to a death in dignity" is important! Also for our own human worth. But... It might be that if for example this "right to a death in dignity" is ensured for typically younger people who have deep depressions and, as a result, are qualified (required) through 3 or 5 years(?) at psychologists or psychiatrists before they are allowed to die. This qualifying period will be reported to the authorities and thus you can use this to prevent suicide in this younger group in the future because they told about all the craziness/vileness (crime) they have been through and in this way, Norway and other countries  may improve their human rights work on a much deeper level so that ALL suicides can be prevented (except those where there are a disease and those who will die a death in dignity of old age). Is this something? Still good luck with the good work, you people who work for dying in dignity! WE WIN through!

There seems to be a duty in doing this work, making this happen that's implied by the suicides themselves, especially for the group 10 to 50 year olds. A citizens' commission for inquiry into suicides for this group?

Wednesday 12 July 2017

The Definition of the Political Attempt - The internet erases important political nomenclature?

This is for amending the "politically correct Internet" in it trying to erase the concept of "political attempt"!

An attempt (preliminary) for definition:

"The "political attempt" is what takes place, rightfully/morally, when or if a state violates its own (explicit) duties toward individual citizens or groups of people, e.g. IRA, Irish Republican Army, may be said to do (ethical/moral) political attempts in its "armed struggle" against the (alleged?) oppression of Irish/of Irish descent Catholics in Northern Ireland. The "armed struggle" by Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO is also an example (possibly) of people doing political attempts. I also happen to think a number of citizens have committed political attempts though they are generally not mentioned by media as media seldom reports violations of citizens in democracies!)"

IRA: and


Individual citizens as victims of state crime have largely been neglected by politically correct/corrupt media so don't expect to find material about them. Just for mentioning one person, though a dubious person and an alleged Neo-Nazi, Timothy McVeigh, (Be careful in seeing this guy as carrying out "political attempt", however.)

Some side notes over state crimes:

Anders Behring Breivik: can be mentioned as one guy criticizing political correctness, but his criticism goes "here and there".

I accuse Jens Stoltenberg for enlisting a gang for the means to his political ends/gains known as The (Nazi) Jugend List where Nazi Jugend describes a band of people possibly going all the way by immoral actions, such as torture of people and more (threats, etc.). I also suspect Stoltenberg for living in Farsund local district for some time, probably thereby starting his enlisting of horrible/dubious people. To be true, I don't know the story 100%. I may be wrong.

I can also claim that Norwegian vileness may have had tentacles to genocidal Serbia from 1991 - 1995 and so may have had "people on the ground" during the Srebrenica massacre ("perhaps" never mentioned by Norwegian media nor ever been given an account of by them):

"2 - Norwegian Assistance to BiH 1991-2008"

"Norway became engaged in the Western Balkans as soon as hostilities broke out in
1991, by providing humanitarian assistance in BiH and Croatia. Once the DPA was
signed, focus was shifted towards reconstruction and development, and subsequently
to aiding the process of Euro-Atlantic association, state-building and democratization.
Support for the Western Balkans was classified as Official Development Assistance
(ODA) and thus could have been expected to be handled by Norway’s development
cooperation agency Norad. Because of the highly political nature of Norway’s
engagement in the region, however, and the fact that the main actors on the donor
side were political and/or security bodies like the EU, OSCE and NATO, the MFA
decided that it would manage the funds itself. Only during the period 1999-2003
was Norad formally involved, when it was asked to manage the medium-term
activities in BiH and Albania. All along, however, Norway emphasized the importance
of ensuring that its aid was aligned with and supported overall policy objectives
of the international community."

"During the period 1992-1995, the annual allocations were for humanitarian aid and
relief, along with support to IDPs. The key aim for Norway’s early aid, according to
an MFA review document from 1997, was “to assist the refugees as close to their
place of origin as possible. The Norwegian program has therefore had BiH as its
focus of attention” (Annex I, our translation). The Budget Documents presented a
running political analysis of the conflict, being quite realistic concerning the timelines
and how soon the conflict might end during the first years."

Ref.: "Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation with the Western Balkans" by, p. 13.

I claim that parts of or all the Norwegian vileness to Serbia has been led by Jens Stoltenberg and his associates.

Jens Stoltenberg:, where the biography of his has a black hole from "10 yo. to 40 yo.", I don't know exactly how big it is. Again, the media has been ignorant/neglecting (of its duties).


By political science, there is a traditional rightness to political attempt: - Right to revolt or commit the political attempt:
"Individual or collective right"
"Although some explanations of the right of revolution leave open the possibility of its exercise as an individual right, it was clearly understood to be a collective right under English constitutional and political theory."

"In political philosophy, the right of revolution is the right or duty of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests and/or threatens the safety of the people without probable cause."

Further: "The U.S. Declaration of Independence states that "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government""

Not that I think there will be a revolution in "democratic" Norway, but that the right or in fact the duty to commit the political attempt is protected and natural as answer to injustice by deep abuses of power, whether failure to defend your UDHR Human Rights or other!


Personally and for example, in gaining (more) motivation for the political attempt:
People everywhere may feel offended by the Norwegian, public, inhumane treatment of my person. Thus valid (ethical) threats from everywhere by political attempt? Human Rights (UDHR) should prevail everywhere! To victory, globally!

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Why Religion, the Ethical Life - Keeping the Atheists at a Distance?

It's not so much that "Universe has to have a purpose" but to think, by deep intuition by ethical living, that there's something there beyond a "simple, cold grave"! Besides, if this "cold grave" thinking leads people awry then what is the responsibility? At least with the soul people can speculate and have a hope in life. Why kill this hope? Why keep whining that people have "superfluous, unscientific" thoughts as if it's supposed to have merit? In short, what if the Atheists are d*mn wrong? At least ethical living will carry a lot positive with it in case the hope proves to be in vain...!

What I'm saying is that ethical living may lead to (better) after-life! If not only the good consequences of ethical living in this life, that is, both for society and family and friends and yourself, ethical living proves valuable (given that there may only be this "cold grave")!

The logic:
Prem. 1: Ethical living -> hope of (great) after-life "and possibly more, i.e., God/Heaven"
Prem. 2: If not (great) after-life -> ethical living -> Very good consequences in this life, society, family, friends, yourself
Conclusion: Ethical living proves worthwhile in every respect!

What if ethical living proves crucial for all this hope in God or what if there's something fantastic in death by living ethically? What is the responsibility for those against this? It seems they risk very little by insisting on a "cold grave" and being "scientific" despite the very stories of the many Near-Death Experiences and Out-of-body experiences! Why do they bother if the answer isn't to spread the corrupt mind?

(By this, finally, I hope to shove all Atheists into Secular Humanism or Humanism with Atheism!)

Palaeontology: Warning and Questions! - The given science by nature...

To the "conjurers", the cheaters... A warning!

It concerns palaeontology in the way that one can (possibly, not normal) "conjure" or "produce" fossils by doing the "voodoo", horrible to (I guess) children, them being most "popular" and their "plasticity", in seeking "freak nature" of this kind, can be directed toward "producing"/"conjuring" these fossils "on demand" and "by design", actually! All I'm saying is that I'm against this "practice" by palaeontologists and associates who may no longer have the mentality of human beings after treating people this horribly bad! I'm also sorry that this comes to you as readers as other-worldly!

The science.

Besides, has anybody pondered the time span of abiogenesis to today's animals? It seems that the speed of abiogenesis is quite rapid in laboratory experiments and more crucially, what decides which animals/organisms get developed first?

Is there a definite palaeontological logic that says that human beings can't be developed "straight up" as long as the fundamentals for living are there, the temperature, the fruits and all other edible and so on?

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Seeking to Prove the Souls of People - At the frontier of science...

Let's take the example of the soul and let's "imagine" a way to prove it.

We have two sizeable pools for two people to voluntary drown themselves in, forcing the souls, 2, to separate from the 2 bodies.

Let's "imagine" further that the 2 souls are so friendly and gentle to one another that they are able to follow one another in the forms of 2 souls, human-sized, I guess.

Then some "diverse" interaction between these 2 souls. Then, from this "out-of-body" state the 2 souls decide to retrieve their bodies by "flying" to these 2 bodies lying there lifeless in the 2 pools and "retake up" their respective bodies.

Then, we at the outside of the situation, the friends to these 2 bodies with souls in them, these 2 people, may note they begin to wake in the pools and help them out of the pools.

Later, these 2 people go through (f)MRI scans to confirm the new mental content that also light up "reality" mark in these 2 heads/brains.

I suggest, by the above, that we "now" (by our current imagination here at the blog, Whatiswritten777, reading) have proven the existence of soul/souls, interacting and more.

Proof by inter-subjective/objective facts in 2 people and by clinical death state in these 2 people while "soul-walking". Also, the new (f)MRI scans support our findings.



Some technical details, suggestions:
Time: 20 minutes to "drown" and 20 minutes of "flying time/soul time". Oxygenated pools and possibly (lightly) chlorinated. Water temperature: 22 degrees Celsius.
Pools, 4x4 meters each, in order to hold sufficient oxygen/air.

Friday 12 May 2017

Does immorality force one to reject Christianity?

Does immorality force one to reject Christianity? That the logic of the mind by one's lack of morality in "losing" one's soul by deep sins against humanity/nature causes one to reject God/Christianity...

Rejecting God can be the equivalent of embracing non-belief, Atheism, Satanism etc.

So, clearly when one has chosen a path of life outside ethics that qualify for God's grace and Heaven then all on the "outside" must be promising, also thrust a "scientific attack" against Christians for a "magical" thinking as well as displaying a "disbelief" of these propositions of religious belief, i.e., Heaven, God, stories of the Bible, the message of the Bible and so on...

So I see these alternatives for those outside faith:
1. To go on "crusade" against the faithful, the righteous... To wage arguments of chaos and hopelessness ("come, join me in immorality as there's no other way...").
2. To be silent and let life go on.
3. To oppose all life by all one's life and resources by hidden war against the goodness!
4. To enter Christianity in order to subvert/undermine Church and activities and goodness everywhere, to be a hypocrite!

What say you? Any logical soundness to this? Is this credible? A realistic description? Serious as it is!

Wednesday 10 May 2017

A Refined View on Abortion - The Sympathic Angle

There are basically two views on abortions, the pro and the con.

Now, let's say there are heavy reasons for choosing either side. If this is the case then maybe abortion should be allowed? I think abortion should be allowed so that all people who need it may have their abortion and so that all who are fortunate to live lives that allow them to reject abortion.

Let's be clear: the ideal for both sides is that no abortions are carried out because nobody really wants an abortion, to kill a fetus.

So my entry is that the view of sympathy to abortion is to allow abortions and at the same time make good use of the contraception-pills or condoms to accommodate both views as ways of life!


This argument is generic in the sense that it can also be used for similar ethical positions such as euthanasia/assisted suicide/willful suicide and legalising cannabis and possibly others!

In my text, I want to limit the pro-abortion position by saying that abortion is, in this context, limited to within 20 first weeks and that it does not include "emergency medicine" where "extreme" measures are used in order to save either, the mother or the fetus. If they intend to kill either the fetus or the mother then, ethically, why not overdose them by sedatives or similar that must be better than "other extremes". I guess this should be part of standard procedure for these cases either way! So as to reduce the dread/brutalities of medicine (by standard procedure)!

(By this text, I don't list the usual arguments pro- and con-.)

Sunday 30 April 2017

Over Fake news/Fake media - Media better take the d*mn message because they're guilty!

The media are whining in being blamed for reporting "fake news", but there they are and must have known about phenomena like Operation Dark Room (by police of Norway, "Operasjon Dark Room, pedophile network) and Darknet/Blacknet for years without saying anything, silent about Rwanda and slaughtering people there without bothering It took a long time before the world became familiar with the massacre in Srebrenica before they reported anything!

And they can not even say illegal immigrants without bringing up all immigrants around the world!
Do not tell me they are accused of "fake news" without having earnt it! I just need to mention the journalism from our legal system of various crime around the country where they (the media) fail to say much and mention something just to seem credible!

Media is occupied with explaining "so well" that they are not "fake news" and apologise so much, but never if it is possible to comment freely on the media about it anyway. Conclusion: they HIDE something / much!

Honestly media, it says self-criticism! Where is media self-criticism in the media?

On these monsters, the very morally depraved, psychologists have a definite responsibility to inform society!

Mediene syter over å bli beskyldt for å være "fake news", men der sitter de og må ha visst om fenomener som Operasjon Dark Room og Darknet/Blacknet i årevis uten å si noe, tause om Rwanda og slaktingen av mennesker der uten å bry seg, lot det gå svært lang tid før verden ble kjent med massakren i Srebrenica før de rapporterte noe!

Og de klarer fa*n ikke enda å si "illegal immigrants" uten å ta med alle immigranter over hele verden!
Ikke kom å si til meg at de blir beskyldt for "fake news" uten å fa*n meg fortjene det!
Jeg trenger bare å nevne journalistikken fra vårt rettssystem om diverse kriminalitet rundt om i landet hvor de (fa*ns media) unnlater å si mye og nevner noe bare for å virke troverdige!

Media driver og forklarer så godt de kan at de ikke er "fake news" og beklager seg så veldig, men aldri om det er mulig å kommentere fritt på media om det likevel. Konklusjon: de SKJULER noe/mye!

Ærlig talt, media, det heter selvkritikk! Hvor er selvkritikken av media i media?

Saturday 29 April 2017

In Support of Dualism - The Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics

Logic is the connecting factor of this mind to this body. The given age determines the number of years that the mind has shaped the body through all experience, even in the sense of the very thinking. Heck, even the creation of the very body happens according to the logic of the mind (if not the mind of the father and mother through the act of creation).

More importantly, as I happen to believe that the soul is proven by OBEs (Out-of-Body-Experiences), Van Lommel studies, NDEs (Near-Death-Experiences) and Phantom Feelings, I think that those who deny the existence of the soul don't know what they are talking about or that they are lying about the issue. Because I sense that they are subject to the Problem of Induction, they don't know about the "black swans" from their "little" Life-Worlds of information!

That is, they have never incarnated (at least never revealed), they have never been forced out of their bodies into seeming death by abuse or wanton of suicide, etc! They don't have it in their "little" Life-Worlds (of first-hand/second-hand information)!

And how difficult can it be? One can never do "soul walking" in forcing oneself out of the body by drowning in a pool or large bathtub because that's illegal! So how can one prove the soul other than scour the Earth for the very stories (the credible ones, possibly also confirmed by MRI/fMRI)?!

Dualism is winning!

What say you?


This may be something I share with one or more people, but it's worth noting that "out-of-body" experiences are examples of thinking or sensing that put marks in brain activity, signal firing when a person recalls this memory. This should be able to pass for being a solid example of an argument for Dualism. This can be confirmed by a MR-examination or something like that where there's created an actual, objective signal firing of the recollection of this sensation. This sensation can also be compared by the signal firing due to the visual stimuli of the artistic picture of this sensation. You then have the recollection and the artistic picture or image, by your instructions and whatever aids used to create it as closely as possible to the subjective view of this "out-of-body" experience such as revisiting and taking pictures of the surgery room. You get the MR image of recollection and of the artistic picture. You can also ask this person to hypothetically try to view one's self while in the surgery room and have this 3rd MR image compared to the other 2. Remember, this person has no reason to lie about seeing one's self in 3rd person apart from the body and in all honesty what ways are there, but the subjective story of which you know nothing and therefore has no authority in? Why shouldn't you at least take this view into mind as a possibility? Of course, the skeptics are questioning the reality of this sensation, sensing, but I can't say that it can represent any weight to the discussion if the empirical examination by MR actually supports this discernment of distinction of experience. Let's just make the note also that the background story of the person having such an experience or the patient who is brought to the hospital in cardiac arrest or some other serious condition.

Thoughts? Does this clinch the case for Dualism? At least, "out-of-body" experiences remain anomalies in the Reductionist account.

It is understood that this Dualistic account suggests that the actual sensing/thinking happens in the mind outside of the body and thus it doesn't require any brain to function/exist! This should be, bang, in the middle of the street of the Dualism. Emergentism is backed by a number of underlying structures and as such can't be compared to the "out-of-body" experience which has no material links, no physical foundation. Your response?

If you are in fact outside of your body, which you have to be to truly see yourself from the outside of it (it doesn't count if you use your eyes in the skull to see a reflection in some mirror), then there's something that escapes the physicalist account. This sensing that happens outside of yourself transfers to your brain as it is carried with the non-physical soul, consciousness, mind to the brain and make the appropriate signal firings there as one recalls the "out-of-body" experience. So why is this not understandable? Why is it hard to understand that other people have truths to tell? Do you have problems with imagining an "out-of-body" experience or do you question its reality such as naming it fantasy?

It should take a near-death or short period of clinical death to be able to have the OoB experience, something which should be too harsh to demand for any amount of money, although, of course, I can understand James Randi. Second, it is not given that the OoB experience is controllable in any way more than seeing one's self looking down on one's own body in 3rd person perspective. Therefore, if the situation arises at all, the account from the patient/person is what it is, "...looking down on my self...", which is not like "let's do an OoB experience on this person. The whole argument, new or not, builds clearly on a recognition that an unknown phenomenon takes place and produces the account in the mind of the patient which is consequently told. By the way, this is not a thought experiment. I haven't invented the OoB phenomena. It's a story told by several people around the world, I believe. All I want to show, is a kind of procedure that should certify the OoB experience and in turn make the case for Dualism. I can't make an OoB-exp on my self like that. This should be a sufficient answer to what you've written.

Key words: no James Randi contest - accidental OoB-exp - no physical links, material basis - recollection of OoB-exp produces/is creating signal firings in the brain.

Foundation: several accounts of OoB-exp by different people with no motive of lying.

As I've noted, this is not a thought experiment in the classical sense because there are actual stories from people forming the investigation on it and providing the basis for this thread's purpose of highlighting possible consequences from it in respect to a case for Dualism.
Here's a link from Wikip.: I'd like you to put special attention to the section of Van Lommel studies. The rest is crap, I think.

As much as the beginning of the universe or existence itself is a mystery, you'll have to accept other people's accounts, subjective stories as accounts/stories of possible factual reality that may give directions on what actually exists! You can't subject people to near-death or clinical death and at the same time exercise good ethics for proving something experimentally. If one denies the possibility of an honest story of some phenomenon, then one is at a loss because one may lose important leads about what reality has to offer. In there being "no physical links" I emphasise the mystery of this phenomenon. What can I do? People mysteriously see themselves in 3rd person perspective. If there have been physical links, this would be a matter of physicalism! The nature of this is subjective and I find no possibility for solving it other than asking people to be serious about other stories outside their own heads! Read the Van Lommel stuff and write what you think, please! I have no more than you have, other than some belief in possibility and the logical connections from it as in this thread!

You can also take note of this from Dr. Sam Parnia (a scientist indeed, clearly...): There are serious efforts from serious people who are investigating this. Article is from 2008. Hah!

It's a procedure that is meant to be applied after someone is reporting having had the OoB-exp so that there's no interruption in the surgery situation and that every report can be treated equally. It's still possible to apply a procedure to something without having a case of experiment, this should be obvious.

In the traditional literature, as of today and given that "ghosts" exist and are not detectable, an OoB-exp that is confirmed in either way, using my account of the procedure or Dr. Sam Parnia's, is undeniably Dualism, whether you like it or not! It's just too easy to write off Dualism by asserting that all must be physical. As long as "ghosts" are seen as "non-physical" in the current literature, there's no way around this. I agree that the future may be able to change our view and describe "ghosts" as physical, but it's simply not the case today!

In current literature as a matter of fact:
Physicalists generally speak of mind as being the brain or something commonly known to be physical and not something else!
Substance Dualists (incl. Descartes) speak of the mind as being a distinct entity apart from the brain!

So, if you want to go on to redefine the literature of Philosophy of Mind, then go ahead and do so!

As for Physicalism: I take it from p. 11 in Jaegwon Kim's book, Philosophy of Mind, 2nd ed., where it says: "Since physicalism broadly understood is the basic framework in which contemporary philosophy of mind has been debated..." It says further: "Take two immaterial minds: We have to say that they are exactly alike in all physical respects since neither has any physical property and it is not possible to distinguish them from a physical perspective." I don't intend to shrink all physicalists to identity theorists, I just want to write that physicalists don't speak of minds like the substance dualists and that every physicalist require that mind is in or is something material or physical, whether it's non-reductionists, reductionists or functionalists. It says physicalist for a very good reason and that reason doesn't include "ghosts" or minds outside of the body or other traditional physicality.

By Terje Lea, 30th December, 2009 and 2nd January, 2010.

Friday 14 April 2017

Suggestion for a New Modality "S5m" - The logics, the logics...

Suggestion for a new "S5m" Modality. This is then given as example by a (triple-)possible (◊◊◊) company that operates by necessary (□) principles A, B and C and then effectuate this (triple-)possible (◊◊◊) company and by these becomes a necessary (□) company in this World, say Intel, Microsoft, Alphabet, Nike, Adidas, Asics, Sony or any other! The possible (◊) X "principle" must be interpreted in relation to this and with this modality in mind that it's a possible (◊) X "principle" able to effectuate "success", that is a possible Future that holds (□) "company" or proves to hold Necessary Truth in some scope of time!

Thursday 6 April 2017

Refutation of Time Travel - Against Time Travel

If Time Travel would be true throughout the history of human kind, at any point in time whether past or future, time travellers would be "all over us" in telling about the future or past or whatever.

However, there are no stories of either such people or common stories of such being told from one person (the traveller) to another.

Therefore, time travel isn't going to exist ever!

Logic: Modus tollens

If Time Travel then Time Travellers (or common stories of such)
No Time Travellers
No Time Travel

Please remember that:
An assumption that Time Travellers are lying to us all the time is an unreasonable story!

Also, stories of the future would hold a kind of plausibility or coherence so that if the stories would be prevalent then the "Nostradamus" stories would be recorded or a record of place and people would be with us.

The coherence here would be that of our reality entails/is able to hold the story of the future by specific calculations, inventions, a record of history from the future or technology all the way up to that point in time.

A fake story of time travelling will quickly fall apart because it's not coherent with you travelling in time and discovering new histories of science in the future or whatever the "bridged" story that marks a genuine story of time travelling. First, fx., where's your time-travelling UFO? In your garage?


Monday 13 March 2017

Norwegian song - Det går til helvete (It, the World, goes to hell) - Nesten ferdig

Det går til helvete!
Sang av Lukas F. Olsnes-Lea

Det går til helvete (Vokal: mørk og dyp, bass! Rytme: monoton tvers igjennom sangen)
Det går til helvete (Musikk: noe bass komp og annet, hva finner til pass)

Hungersnød her og
USA kriger med alle de der
Det kan jo derfor sies...

Det går til helvete
Det går til helvete

Været varmer jo mer og mer og
Skibakker i sanden til sine klær
Her og der, her og der

Det går til helvete
Det går til helvete

MRSA blir fler og fler
Menneskene dynger jorda mer og mer
Det gjenstår bare det her

Det går til helvete
Det går til helvete

Korrupsjon og profesjon blandes så der
Advokater og politi går'kke no mer
Igjen sies det her

Det går til helvete
Det går til helvete

En mur her og
en atombombe der
Det er slutten på denne sangen her

Det går til helvete
Det går til helvete

Robotøyne i huet, ulovlig implantert som
sjømissiler på et fyrtårn
Politistaten tar over

Det går til helvete ("Fading")
Det går til helvete
Det går til helvete
Det går til helvete ...

(Takk til Espen Beranek Holm for "Dra til hælvete" for inspirasjon.)

Thursday 5 January 2017

Case in Point - Astronomy - Against Kuhn's Revolutions and Paradigms

First, some links, Aristarchus of Samos, c. 310 - c. 230 BC
- The heliocentric view that has failed to take hold Babylonian astronomical diaries Ptolemy, c. 100 AD - c. 170 AD
- The geocentric worldview
"- Ptolemy (2nd century A.D.)
Almagest: from Greek, Sicily c. 1160; Gerard of Cremona, from Arabic, Toledo 1175
Optica: Eugenius of Palermo, from Arabic, c. 1154" Printing press
"The printing press spread within several decades to over two hundred cities in a dozen European countries. By 1500, printing presses in operation throughout Western Europe had already produced more than twenty million volumes. In the 16th century, with presses spreading further afield, their output rose tenfold to an estimated 150 to 200 million copies. The operation of a press became so synonymous with the enterprise of printing that it lent its name to an entire new branch of media, the press." Nicolaus Copernicus, 19 February 1473 - 24 May 1543 (AD)
- The heliocentric worldview (start)
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data Tycho Brahe 14 December 1546 – 24 October 1601
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data
- Wrongly posited the geo-heliocentric worldview, the Tychonic system
"Well known in his lifetime as an astronomer, astrologer and alchemist, he has been described as "the first competent mind in modern astronomy to feel ardently the passion for exact empirical facts." His observations were some five times more accurate than the best available observations at the time." History of the telescope List of telescope types Astronomical observatories - oldest
A selection...

  • 1577: Istanbul observatory of Taqi al-Din, Turkey
  • 1580: Uraniborg, Denmark
  • 1581: Stjerneborg, Denmark
  • 1642: Panzano Observatory, Italy
  • 1642: Round Tower, Denmark
  • 1633: Leiden Observatory, Netherlands
  • 1667: Paris Observatory, France
  • 1675: Royal Greenwich Observatory, England
  • 1695: Sukharev Tower, Russia
  • 1711: Berlin Observatory, Germany
  • 1724: Jantar Mantar, India
- Galileo's use: "Galileo Galilei, happening to be in Venice in about the month of May 1609, heard of the invention and constructed a version of his own."
- Kepler's use: "The Keplerian telescope, invented by Johannes Kepler in 1611, is an improvement on Galileo's design. It uses a convex lens as the eyepiece instead of Galileo's concave one." Galileo Galilei, 15 February 1564 - 8 January 1642
- The heliocentric worldview (supported)
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data
- Refracting telescope, Galilean telescope, supporting the heliocentric worldview Johannes Kepler, December 27, 1571 – November 15, 1630
- The heliocentric worldview (supported)
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data
- Refracting telescope, Keplerian telescope, supporting the heliocentric worldview Heliocentrism Binoculars Reflecting telescope Sir Isaac Newton FRS 25 December 1642 - 20 March 1726/27
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data
- Reflecting telescope, Newtonian telescope (1668), supporting the heliocentric worldview
- Theory of gravity Newtonian telescope
- Newton's invention
"In late 1668 Isaac Newton built his first reflecting telescope. He chose an alloy (speculum metal) of tin and copper as the most suitable material for his objective mirror. He later devised means for shaping and grinding the mirror and may have been the first to use a pitch lap to polish the optical surface." Frederick William Herschel KH, FRS 15 November 1738 – 25 August 1822
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data
- All telescopes for this era!
"During his career, he constructed more than four hundred telescopes. The largest and most famous of these was a reflecting telescope with a 49 1⁄2-inch-diameter (1.26 m) primary mirror and a 40-foot (12 m) focal length. Because of the poor reflectivity of the speculum mirrors of that day, Herschel eliminated the small diagonal mirror of a standard newtonian reflector from his design and tilted his primary mirror so he could view the formed image directly."
- Library of theories (Theory of gravity, Kepler, Copernicus, Newton etc.) The Universe
"The earliest scientific models of the Universe were developed by ancient Greek and Indian philosophers and were geocentric, placing the Earth at the center of the Universe. Over the centuries, more precise astronomical observations led Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) to develop the heliocentric model with the Sun at the center of the Solar System. In developing the law of universal gravitation, Sir Isaac Newton (NS: 1643–1727) built upon Copernicus's work as well as observations by Tycho Brahe (1546–1601) and Johannes Kepler's (1571–1630) laws of planetary motion. Further observational improvements led to the realization that our Solar System is located in the Milky Way galaxy and is one of many solar systems and galaxies. It is assumed that galaxies are distributed uniformly and the same in all directions, meaning that the Universe has neither an edge nor a center. Discoveries in the early 20th century have suggested that the Universe had a beginning and that it is expanding at an increasing rate." Edwin Powell Hubble November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data
- All telescopes for this era!
- Library of theories (Theory of gravity, Kepler, Copernicus, Newton etc.)
- "was an American astronomer who played a crucial role in establishing the field of extragalactic astronomy and is generally regarded as one of the most important observational cosmologists of the 20th century. Hubble is known for showing that the recessional velocity of a galaxy increases with its distance from the earth, implying the universe is expanding, known as "Hubble's law", although a preliminary version of this relation was proposed by Georges Lemaître two years earlier in a less prominent journal." Harlow Shapley November 2, 1885 – October 20, 1972
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data
- All telescopes for this era!
- Library of theories (Theory of gravity, Kepler, Copernicus, Newton etc.)
"He used RR Lyrae stars to correctly estimate the size of the Milky Way Galaxy and the sun's position within it by using parallax. In 1953 he proposed his "liquid water belt" theory, now known as the concept of a habitable zone." Albert Einstein 14 March 1879 - 18 April 1955
- Growing archive/database of observations, library of astronomical data
- All telescopes for this era!
- Library of theories (Theory of gravity, Kepler, Copernicus, Newton etc.)
- Theory of relativity Satellite
"The world's first artificial satellite, the Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. Since then, thousands of satellites have been launched into orbit around the Earth. Some satellites, notably space stations, have been launched in parts and assembled in orbit. Artificial satellites originate from more than 40 countries and have used the satellite launching capabilities of ten nations. About a thousand satellites are currently operational, whereas thousands of unused satellites and satellite fragments orbit the Earth as space debris. A few space probes have been placed into orbit around other bodies and become artificial satellites to the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Vesta, Eros, Ceres, and the Sun." Moon landing
"A Moon landing is the arrival of a spacecraft on the surface of the Moon. This includes both manned and unmanned (robotic) missions. The first human-made object to reach the surface of the Moon was the Soviet Union's Luna 2 mission, on 13 September 1959.

The United States' Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969. There have been six manned U.S. landings (between 1969 and 1972) and numerous unmanned landings, with no soft landings happening from 22 August 1976 until 14 December 2013."

My claim is then that "bits and pieces" make the scientific day against Kuhn's "orderly" Paradigms and so on, that science takes place in a "Cumulativist" way where science gets increasingly accurate and on Truth!

I've identified a mark of stupidity in history of science in that Galileo Galilei's superior has failed to commission/make the order for building, let's say, 10 Galilean telescopes when in fact his opponents and contemporaries alike have been in need of one!

This is remarkable because it shows that his contemporaries have not (to my knowledge) been interested to learn what Galileo Galilei has seen in his telescope!

Conclusion: the opponents of Galileo Galilei have not been driven by a (first-hand) thirst for knowledge!

History shows that there are quite some examples of this kind of behaviour, I think!

This also shows that Galileo Galilei has failed to teach people the way of the telescope and the calculations for his (famous) claim in support of Copernicus!

Kuhn also seems to forget that the Galilean telescope can be directed at a far-away tree or any other object. This is, of course, not a "new worldview", but enhanced sight!

From this text I intend to show that the title reveals the truth. Largely speaking "revolutions" is the
language of the tabloids!

Case in Point #2: Swinging stone in ancient Greece vs. pendulum in renaissance Italy

Relating to Aristotle and Galileo by Kuhn and SSR, p. 118 - 125 and the difference of a swinging stone and the pendulum.

Aristotle: 384 BC - 322 BC, seeing a swinging stone, I guess, by chain or thread.
Galileo: 15 February 1564 - 8 January 1642, seeing the pendulum.
The difference between them: roughly 2000 yrs.

So, by Cumulativism, if we have 2000 years between 2 people and suppose a "revolution" as Galileo considers the pendulum I'd like people to think again because that's 2000 years of engineering history as well.

Let's list some factors for these 2000 years of engineering history:
* Measurements -
* Accuracy and precision -
* Technological ability to manipulate objects (i.e., tools and more) - - - (for "simple machines")

So it proceeds from the factors above that a "revolution" hardly can be noted over the course of 2000 entire years and with the advance of the factors above.


For comparison, one can note that difference in weaponry as well, in telling a story of engineering:

History of metalworking:


"Thus the press/media reports an ongoing revolution by transition from a swinging stone to a pendulum for 2000 years."